The Sussex Reptile
Rescue Centre

Our Adoption Process

Please read the full page if you are considering adopting from us. Thank you

Things to consider:

Red-eye Tree Frog in Costa Rica

First step-Enquire about an appointment

To adopt, or explore adopting an animal from us, we encourage people to come and meet the animal first via an appointment. This way you can ask any questions and we can help make sure the animal is right for you.

Please note-If you live quite a distance away and are interested in adopting, we can discuss alternative methods before you make a trip to us. 

Rehoming Fees

Unlike pet shops, we do not put a value on the animal itself based on it’s traits and colour. We do however ask for donations set as levels based on the species. Please remember that by adopting from us, the donation is used to help care for other animals in need of care.

flying frog on tree

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

£35 Adoption fee

£60 Adoption fee

£80 Adoption fee

£120 Adoption fee

1. Adoption Form

We ask everyone adopting from us to fill out an adoption form. This will be sent through an email to you once we’ve recieved your initial enquiry. If you have brought your own vivarium, we will require photographic evidence of suitability including UVB bulbs, Heating Lamps, Heat Guards and Size of enclosure with tape measure, this will need to be done prior to proceeding with your application to adopt and sent to us via email.

****Please be aware that you can purchase vivariums and equipment from us at the centre****

2. Application Accepted or Advice given

Once we have reviewed your application to adopt, we will then proceed with a home visit, where we have a look at your enclosure size and suitablity and if accepted, go through information about your chosen animal and arrange pick up date when you can take your animal home.

When taking your animal home, we will require you to bring 2 forms of Identity i.e. Passport, Drivers License and proof of address i.e. utility bill.

Suitable transportation is required and we recommend you bring a plastic for a Lizard, or an old pillow case for snakes and gentle heat provided by a hot water bottle or heat pad-Please ask if your unsure

Like most Rescue centres, we recommend a minimum adoption fee (See above)

3. Aftercare

Our team will be here to support you with your new family member, after your adoption, we are only a email away to give advice and support.

Application to adopt

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